Artnovion - Kalahari Doble W Absorber ( Painted )

Artnovion - Kalahari Doble W Absorber ( Painted )

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( 6 ) per box. Kalahari is a high-end acoustic absorber, crafted from wood using the same patented Artnovion technology that brought about the Sahara panel. Free Shipping to Continental US only !

The Kalahari absorber is available In a selection of sizes in lacquered and metallic finishes, available in 2 sizes in 2 orientations. Kalahari’s secret lies in its organic pattern, allowing you to increase the absorbative areas and change the morphology of the diffusing ridges, producing a panel truly tailor-made to your needs.

Kalahari has an elegant tessellated pattern, designed to meld seamlessly across rooms. Kalahari is especially efficient at refection control, providing valuable scattering along with absorption.


- RT reduction
- Flutter echo control
- Reducing excessive reverberation
- Improving speech intelligibility

Recommended For:

- Hi-Fi Listening Room
- Media Room
- Home Cinema
- Living Room

Type: Absorber

Absorption Range: 350 Hz to 4k Hz

Acoustic Class: C | ( aw ) = 0,75

Available Fire Rate: FG | Furniture Grade


- Lacquered HMDF
- Marine grade plywood structural frame
- Calibrated cell acoustic foam

Four M6 Screw Thread receiver included on each panel.

Disclaimer: When using FixArt Tube on the ceiling, it is obligatory to use the FixArt Lock security device. This system guarantees a safe and precise installation.

Dimensions:  FG - LW | 595 x 595 x 63 mm