MoFi MasterPhono Phonostage

MoFi MasterPhono Phonostage

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Fully discrete from input to output

Single ended RCA and Balanced XLR output

Switchable Gain 40db/50db/60db/70db

Passive RIAA using NOS polystyrene and polypropylene film/foil capacitors

Standard signal input via RCA & XLR (Voltage Input)

10 position loading adjustment, including "Custom" via RCA plug

"Current input" via RCA or XLR for low source-impedance phono cartridges

Stereo/mono switch, High pass filter switch

Left and Right meters for output monitoring and calibration purposes

Cascaded voltage regulation stages for lowest noise

Dual-chassis construction isolates power supply and audio circuits separately

Software upgradable via USB to add new updates and features


- Input: Current mode & Voltage mode, balanced and unbalanced
- Gain: Selectable gain for MM or MC 40db, 50db, 60db, 70db
- THD:
- 10mV@1KHZ MM low: 0.005% A-Weighted
- 10mV@1KHZ MM high: 0.005% A-Weighted
- 1mV@1KHZ MC low: 0.010% A-Weighted
- 1mV@1KHZ MC high: 0.013% A-Weighted
- Loading: 15 Ohms, 30 Ohms, 50 Ohms, 75 Ohms, 100 Ohms, 500 Ohms, 1K Ohms, 10K Ohms, 47K

- Ohms+150pF, & "Custom"
- Output Impedance:
- Balanced: 230 Ohm
- Unbalanced: 115 Ohms
- Max Output: @1% THD, 10 Volts RMS
- RIAA Accuracy: +/-0.05db
- Frequency Response: 10Hz – 50KHz +/-0.20db
- S/N ratio (20Hz-20KHz):
- Balanced MM: 85db, 93db
- Balanced MC: 81db, 85db
- Unbalanced MM: 75db, 83db
- Unbalanced MC: 69db, 75db
- Dimensions: 17.5" x 3.5" x 15.75"
- Weight: 15 lbs.