Protect your records - keeps record label safe and weight distribution is centered nicely.The weight is shaped so that the cartridge doesn't hit the wight once it reaches the dead space in the center.
14oz in weight.Just the right weight to dampen vibrations but not to overload turntable bearings.
Relax and enjoy your favorite albums, with our best Vinyl Record Weight. As nothing compares with the feeling of placing a pristine record on the turntable and that exciting sensation of the needle going thru every single song. It’s easy to listen to music by a computer or another way, but the beauty of vinyl is really unique!
Audiophile essential, as it helps clamping warped records flat; and equally important, it couples the vinyl tightly to the platter so that internal resonances can be drained away from the stylus - as if the LP is of effectively a much higher thickness and rigidity.
Record Weight Turntable Clamp: We support hassle-free service, contact us if you have problems.