RSX BEYOND AC Power Cords 15 Amp 4 feet Showroom Demo - AV Luxury Group

RSX BEYOND AC Power Cords 15 Amp 4 feet , Showroom Demo

RSX BEYOND AC Power Cords 15 Amp 4 feet , Showroom Demo

$2,500.00 $1,750.00
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Given the limits of theory and present-day materials technology, they, too, may well be the very best cables of their kind possible and without significantly improved materials or increases in our knowledge of how things work, they may remain the standard by which all AC Power Cords are judged for years to come.

Combining all of the features of RSX PRIME™ and RSX MAX™, RSX BEYOND™ AC Power Cords add even more ultra-pure Laboratory Grade™ copper, to enlarge their conductors to a 9+ AWG “spec”, while still keeping full flexibility. This plus specially-designed connectors for BEYOND™ only lowers overall resistance to the point of insignificance, while adjustment of RSX BEYOND’s™ exclusive Demand Coupled™ design and the use of Teflon™-variant fluoropolymers for even its outer jacketing work to further minimize capacitance and inductance – related issues and make RSX BEYOND™ “The New Best in the World”.

AC Power Cords Are Much More Complex Than They Seem

AC power cords are much more complex than they seem: Even the simplest power cord — just a pair of insulated wires with plugs on them — still operates on the same physical principles and is subject to all of the same operating concerns as any other cable in your system. That means that it has resistance, capacitance, and inductance; is subject to capacitive discharge effects; and, unless it’s  shielded (NOT just grounded) it can be affected by RFI and EMI noise, both field- and line-coupled, to audibly degrade the sound of your system.

Clean, Fast Power Makes Your System Sound Better

To provide the clean power every component in your system needs to sound its best, your power cables need to be designed and built with fully as much concern for materials and technology as goes into your phono cables, interconnects and speaker cables. That’s what RSX does, and you can easily hear the difference.

RSX Offers Three AC Power Cord Models: PRIME™, MAX™ and BEYOND™

As compared to other cords these are rated “Better“, “Much Better”, and “Best”, in that order. All are constructed using advanced materials and technology and all are recommended to make a clearly audible improvement to the sound of your system. RSX AC power cords are available as standard in 4, 6, 9, and 12 foot lengths with NEMA ( US ) connectors. Schuko connectors are also available in the same lengths. Custom lengths or connectors are available at extra cost. Contact us for details.

All RSX AC Power Cords Feature…

- Exclusive Demand Coupled™ design

- 100% long crystal, ultra-pure Laboratory Grade™ copper

- At least three times as much copper conductor material as conventional “heavy duty” power cords

- Multiple interleaved multi-wire conductor arrays

- Teflon®-variant+air fluoropolymer dielectrics

- Bi-metallic “Faraday Cage” shielded construction

- Specially designed high current AC connectors